Never Underestimate Your Enemy/Opponent

Never Underestimate Your Enemy/Opponent

Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.  We have all heard this saying countless times before.  But what exactly does it mean?  I like to think of it as, we usually know what’s going on with our friends (phone calls, texting, social media, safe in person...
I See You

I See You

We are on month 7 of social isolation.  So much has happened.  But a lot has also NOT happened. Did you have to postpone your wedding?  I see you. Have you not seen your parents?  I see you. Were you unable to have a proper funeral for a loved one?  I see you. Are you...
Will You Just Shut Up Man

Will You Just Shut Up Man

When I say the word “bully” what do you think of?  Is it a schoolyard situation?  Maybe a flashback to high school?  We are learning more and more that bullying can even happen in adult interactions.  Bullying in children can lead to anxiety, depression, low...
You Can’t Do It

You Can’t Do It

Four simple words: you can’t do it.  Something we have likely all heard before.  Or thought to ourselves.  Whether the voice comes from inside or outside of you, it may be the perfect reason you actually CAN.  Can’t is a terrible word that we should all eliminate from...
How to Stay in Control During a Crisis

How to Stay in Control During a Crisis

We face crises every day.  Whether it’s that your car won’t start, your doctor is running late throwing off your whole day, the coffeemaker isn’t working, or you have a wardrobe malfunction, we face challenges daily.  Depending on our mood and how the rest of our day...
How to Have Difficult Conversations

How to Have Difficult Conversations

Imagine sitting around a dinner table with your extended family.  Likely, most of them look like you and are people you know very well.  However, you have spent time over the last several months educating yourself on racism in our society.  Perhaps a comment is made...
Why “Perfect” is a Swear Word

Why “Perfect” is a Swear Word

We live in an age fueled by social media personas.  People love to put filters on their pictures, post their best angles, their promotions, their new homes, their engagements, etc.  We rarely see people sharing their acne, that they gained weight, that they got laid...
Making Election Day A National Holiday

Making Election Day A National Holiday

Election Day in the United States has taken place on the Tuesday following the first Monday in November since 1845.  The history of this is mainly to benefit farmers, a previously large population of voters. Since they were unable to travel to polling places during...
Prioritize the Post Office

Prioritize the Post Office

The global pandemic has accelerated the severity of already problematic finances at the USPS. Having the right to an inexpensive, public postal service in the US goes back further than most amendments in the Bill of Rights.  The postal service can reach all 150...