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So, What Happens if You Fail?

So, What Happens if You Fail?

We all make goals.  I even share my monthly goals on social media to help keep me accountable.  As we attempt new challenges, we are faced with opportunities for growth.  However, the fear of failure is a driving force behind why most people quit and never reach their...

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FOGO: Fear of Going Out

FOGO: Fear of Going Out

As your vaccinated friends start to reach out with well-meaning messages like, “I can’t wait to hang out” or, “Let’s get together soon,” it is OK if you just aren’t quite ready for that yet. Post-pandemic reopening anxiety is real.  As more and more towns, counties,...

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Leading With Dignity

Leading With Dignity

People want to be treated well, and when they are, it brings out the best in them. Given all the recent news stories of people having their dignity violated, there has never been a more important time for dignity to be recognized.  It can be key to understanding...

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