by Laurie A. Watkins | May 27, 2021 | De-Stress
When COVID-19 began, the vastly differing and rapidly changing information was incredibly overwhelming. For the last 14 months or longer, everyone has been focused on COVID-19. Living through a global pandemic can make everyone’s mindset shift and hyper-focus on the...
by Laurie A. Watkins | May 20, 2021 | Career, De-Stress
We seem to be at a turning point with the covid-19 pandemic. People are getting vaccinated, restrictions are lifting, and things are opening up more and more. With this reopening, and return to a somewhat sense of normal, there are businesses with various reopening...
by Laurie A. Watkins | May 13, 2021 | De-Stress
We live in the digital age. People can message you on Instagram, which could be connected to your Facebook, and then all that shows up on our phone. If you don’t respond, you could get a text and a Snapchat asking why you haven’t replied. Don’t even get me started...
by Laurie A. Watkins | May 6, 2021 | De-Stress
We all make goals. I even share my monthly goals on social media to help keep me accountable. As we attempt new challenges, we are faced with opportunities for growth. However, the fear of failure is a driving force behind why most people quit and never reach their...
by Laurie A. Watkins | Apr 28, 2021 | De-Stress
As your vaccinated friends start to reach out with well-meaning messages like, “I can’t wait to hang out” or, “Let’s get together soon,” it is OK if you just aren’t quite ready for that yet. Post-pandemic reopening anxiety is real. As more and more towns, counties,...
by Laurie A. Watkins | Apr 15, 2021 | De-Stress
I recently read Huddle: How Women Unlock Their Collective Power by Brooke Baldwin. I have also put out blog posts recently on Black Women Making History and Women’s History Month. Clearly women, and the incredible advancements we can make, has been at the front of...