Helloooo!!!! Are you ready for a fantastic workout?

Check out this Tabata workout which focuses on our legs. If you’re not familiar with the Tabata, each exercise lasts only four minutes, but it’s likely to be one of the longed four minutes you’ve ever endured.

I’m kidding! Tabata’s are fun, high-intensity workouts, and great because they give you built -in breaks to help you power through each of the 8 rounds. At the end of twenty-minutes, your legs will be feeling the burn and you’ll have just completed a great high-intensity workout.

The structure of the program is as follows:

  • Workout hard for 20 seconds
  • Rest for 10 seconds
  • Complete 8 rounds of each of the 4 exercises below for a total workout of 20 minutes

To make sure you’re getting the most out of your efforts, make sure to use a clock or stop watch to keep track of your time in between reps  ( 20 seconds) and res (10 sec.). You can also download and choose from a number of different app’s specifically designed to time your Tabata workouts for more accuracy.

I also recommend a light jog of 600 meters, or a 600 meter row to get your heart rate going before you begin the workout. You are going to love the way your legs look after incorporating light weights into your movements. Let me know what you think.

Have fun sculpting those legs!

Dumbbell Squats:

Stand up straight while holding one dumbbell in front of your chest.
Position your legs using a shoulder width medium stance with the toes slightly pointed out. Keep your head up at all times as looking down will get you off balance and also maintain a straight back. This will be your starting position.

Begin to slowly squat by bending the knees as you maintain a straight posture with the head up. Continue down until you’re in full squat position.
Begin to raise your torso as you exhale by pushing the floor with the heel of your foot mainly as you straighten the legs again and go back to the starting position.
Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.
Caution: Be cautious with the weight used; in case of doubt, use less weight rather than more. The squat is a very safe exercise but only if performed properly.
Variations: Go up in weight for a more challenging workout
*To complete the routine, do as many reps as possible within each 20 seconds of work, 8 times, with 10 second breaks in between, then walk away knowing you look hot AH.

Overhead Dumbbell Lunges:

Find your center. Doing dumbbell lunges with proper breathing and form will improve your core strength and stability, which refers to the ability of your abdominal, spine and hip muscles to stabilize and balance your body while you lunge. Keeping your spine in a neutral position in which in retains its natural curve during the lunge can reduce your risk of back pain and injury while strengthening your entire body. Start standing up straight, feet hip distance apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand against your legs.

Lift your arms straight overhead. While holding each dumbbell overhead with straight arms, inhale as you lunge down, and exhale as you stand up.Don’t worry about putting your knees into danger if you use heavy dumbbells for the lunges. A heavier load will strengthen your hips, ankles and core without placing excessive load on your knees. As long as you keep your knees behind your toes during the lunge, your workout should be safe to do.
*To complete the routine, do as many reps as possible within each 20 seconds of work, 8 times, with 10 second breaks in between, then walk away knowing you look hot AH.

Squat Jump:

– Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, arms hanging at your sides.
– Swinging your arms will give you momentum so you can catch more air.

– Squat down until your knees are bent about 90 degrees.
– Immediately swing your arms overhead and jump upward as high as you can.
– As you land, gently bend your knees and sink back down into the squat position. That’s 1 rep.
*To complete the routine, do as many reps as possible within each 20 seconds of work, 8 times, with 10 second breaks in between, then walk away knowing you look hot AH.

Dumbbell Thruster:

Grab your pair of dumbbells and hold them just above your shoulders with palms facing each other. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart.

Next, lower your body down into a squat by bending knees and lowering hips down until thighs are at least parallel to the floor.
Now, push yourself back up to starting position, while simultaneously pushing dumbbells straight up above head and thrusting your hips forward. Arms and legs should be straight at ending position. This completes one rep

*To complete the routine, do as many reps as possible within each 20 seconds of work, 8 times, with 10 second breaks in between, then walk away knowing you look hot AH.