by Laurie A. Watkins | Jan 28, 2021 | De-Stress, Time Management
Did anyone else watch The Social Dilemma on Netflix? The film does a deep dive into how social media and social networking sites have actually rewired our brains and how that damages our society and lives as a whole. This is happening to people of all genders, ages,...
by admin | Sep 16, 2017 | De-Stress, Time Management, Uncategorized
Did you fall out of your healthy routine this summer? Not to worry, it happens to all of us. To me fall is like the New Year, a new season to look at your current habits and ask yourself: How’s that working for me? With kids back at school and most people back to...
by admin | Jun 4, 2017 | De-Stress, Time Management
I’m going to make a counter-intuitive suggestion: make an appointment with yourself to be lazy. What? Aren’t appointments all about setting aside time to *do* things, not to *not do* things? Well, we’ve talked about busy-ness on this blog before, and we keep returning...
by admin | May 22, 2017 | De-Stress, Time Management, Uncategorized
Recently it has become more popular to set an intention for your day, or your workout session, or your trip, etc. I love this practice, because articulating your goals ahead of time increases the chances that you will stick to them. But how exactly does that happen?...
by admin | May 7, 2017 | De-Stress, Time Management
I’ve said it before: life often feels like a pie-eating contest where the prize is more pie. The more competent and capable you are, the more you get on your plate. Partly that’s because others around us are so grateful to have a competent and capable person that they...
by admin | Apr 9, 2017 | De-Stress, Food, Time Management
Eating a balanced plate first thing will give you an energy surge to kick off your day STRONG, and help keep those hunger growls in check. As I state in my book Go from Stressed to Strong: Health & Fitness Advice from High Achievers, “what you eat for breakfast...